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¿Habrá más bloggers cubanos hombres que mujeres? ¿Será el tema político el más importante en los blogs sobre Cuba?
¡Sé parte de las estadísticas que queremos procesar! ¡Ayúdanos a conocer mejor a la Blogosfera Cubana y a sus bloggers!
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Standard Welcome Message
Hi, and thanks for stopping by. This is just a blog for me to write about whatever I feel like writing about, and linking whatever I find interesting. Maybe keep a daily journal, I dunno. Questions, comments and the like, send me some mail:
(if you like that little email thingy and want one for your site, get it here.
A special hello to all of you who got the link from my mom. Thanks for asking her about me and how am I doing. I am very happy in Brazil, but I do miss you guys and think about you. I ask all the time about you guys, you can check with her!!
An extra special hello goes out to Princess Sophia. Sknukle Dan loves and misses you ALOT!! As a special reward, you can have chocolate each and every time you visit the blog. You tell mommy I said it was OK.
For the record, wherefore, so for, and such and such, the links below are provided for your amusement. Some of the people I know, most I don't, but I enjoy their blogs. Some of their opinions I agree with, some I don't. If whatever you read on their blog offends you, don't click their link ever again. If your link appears and you wish to be removed, just let me know:
Sheesh, you must have been a little tyke when he gave that speech! I was 13!
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
¿Te consideras parte de la Blogosfera Cubana, vivas o no en la isla? ¡Entonces este aviso es para ti!
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Si no puedes llenar la encuesta online o no tienes acceso a Internet, escribe un mensaje a: solicitando la encuesta como documento de texto, y envíanos después las respuestas por email.
¿Habrá más bloggers cubanos hombres que mujeres? ¿Será el tema político el más importante en los blogs sobre Cuba?
¡Sé parte de las estadísticas que queremos procesar! ¡Ayúdanos a conocer mejor a la Blogosfera Cubana y a sus bloggers!
Recibe mientras un saludo bloguero.
Al Godar
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